Contact information 
E-mail: bookings@etangdebrigueuil.comHigh Mill Lake Etang de Brigueuil le Moulin Haut Etang de Brigueuil 16420 Brigueuil France Phone: +33 545 71 09 21

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Having been to France a number of times before fishing “smaller” lakes, I wanted a bit more of a challenge.

I wanted to fish a lake around 20 acres in size.

The short videos by Steve Briggs inspired me to book Etan Du Brigueuil for a week in May 23

The fishing is not easy, but at the same time its not hard. You need to work for your fish, as you would on any water and there are some fine fish to be had.

The lake has only 6 or so swims so there is plenty of water to go at.

There is very little weed and what there is causes no problems

You can pre book your swim in advance so you know exactly where you will be fishing before you arrive, no coming last in the draw

My swim was very comfortable and easily took my two man bivvy and 4 rods.

You can use a bait boat, or as I did, fish more traditionally without at a comfortable distance

You can order bait in advance and its of good quality.

The food package is superb, I chose breakfast and evening meal and it was delivered to my swim each day, Tracey even made allowances for my diet

If you need anything Tracey and Andy will get it for you.

I loved it so much I booked for the following year as soon as I returned home

My best regards
Gary Hutchins

This post was published on 28/07/2023. It was filed under: Testimonials.